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The content generation tool
AI for Wordpress
WP Generator is an automated content generator for WordPress offering unrivalled value for money, combining ease of installation with maximum efficiency.
Monthly subscription
Discover a revolution with WP Generator: 30 days to harness its full power!
No commitment, cancellable at any time.
Developed with ❤️
Trial offer
The offer that lets you test the power of WP Generator for 7 days for just... €1!
1 for 7 days
No commitment, cancellable at any time.
Developed with ❤️
Quarterly subscription
Already won over by WP Generator? Get 3 months of privileged access with an exceptional offer!
171€ 136€ /Quarter
No commitment, cancellable at any time.
Developed with ❤️
Any questions?
See our FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions about WP Generator.
Yes, with WP Generator you benefit from unlimited content generation for all your sites, with no restrictions.
No, there's only one complete package for WP Generator, so you don't need to worry about choosing between different options.
WP Generator works on a no-obligation subscription basis. You have access to all features after purchase. If you wish to cancel, simply send us an email or contact Romain directly.
TBL Generator is a tool proposed by Romain Pirotte for members of his community, while WP Generator is a powerful AI content generation tool for Wordpress, designed to improve your SEO and which is the worthy successor to TBL Generator.
With your WP Generator license, you can use the tool on all your websites without limitation. However, please note that there is a 24-hour time limit for transferring the license from one site to another, to prevent abuse & group buy. Once this period has elapsed, you can generate unlimited content on the new site.
No, there's no limit to the amount of content you can generate with WP Generator. Once you've entered your OpenAI API key, you can create as much content as you like.
Yes, WP Generator can be used for link selling, affiliation and other types of business. What's more, WP Generator supports multiple languages, enabling you to reach an international audience. Let your imagination run wild and make the most of the possibilities offered by WP Generator.
Yes, with WP Generator you can create your own customized generation prompts. So you can tailor the content to your needs and creativity.
Yes, WP Generator supports over 20 different languages. You can create content in the language of your choice to reach an international audience.